The Brazz

The Brazz

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Background Tasks/Events

Jun 27 2006 4:06 AM

I'm new to VB.Net but have been given a task which involves triggering a weighscale and then retriving its weight value in a string.

The PC has an IO card card which I hope to monitor through VB.Net so that when one of the inputs goes true I then want to trigger the Weighscale via an output and then retrieve the weight.

How do I monitor the inputs as a Background Task in VB.Net ie I want to always monitor the IO card and when an input goes high then i want to start reading the weighscale.

I have created a button which triggers the weighscale and retrieves the weight when pressed but i want to be able to trigger the weighscale whenever a certain input goes high.

Do I have to use the timer do achieve it ie check the input card say after every 1sec or is there another clever way

Any Ideas would be appreciated

