ArcGIS, .NET, Urgent! Please Help!

Jun 18 2009 10:45 AM
I'm trying to save a unicode utf8 string --> "????" in a feature of a featureclass, but it is saved like "????".as ArcMap support different encodin and also Farsi that I'm working with, It should be possible through my program.but I didn't find any way yet.anybody knows about this?

feature = fc.CreateFeature();
feature.Shape = point;
feature.set_Value(feature.Fields.FindField("Name"), o.Name);

fc is an IFeatureClass, feature is an IFeature and o.Name is a unicode.utf8 watch window:
feature.get_value(feature.Fields.FindField("Name"))--> is OK
fc.GetFeature(1).Get_Value(feature.Fields.FindField("Name")) --> is "????"

and this is what is saved. What should I do? Cry