Angularjs factory redirect

Aug 31 2015 8:13 AM
I have an multi page application in which i am using Angular js, i have my angular controller which is simple and the logic i have kept in angular factory which is used by the angular controller.
The example i have is on the first page i have inputs which caters my search parameters on click of search button the results are shown on my second page, first time it works fine.
Now i navigate back to my first search page via browser back button and modify the search parameters on click of search button now i am not able to view the search results or rather the new parameters which i have passed are not getting refreshed.
In short when i am redirecting using angular js, the parameters in the angular factory are not set or rather the values are not refreshed after the second redirect.
How can i refresh the values every time i redirect to some other page using angular factory.