Accessing XML Coding of a flv Player in Page

Feb 3 2009 5:02 AM
Hi friends
        I have a XML  coding of flv player, but I am unable to access that code on my webpage I am providing the code of the player. please tell me how to get it:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>



    <Name>Free FLV, SWF Player</Name> - title of FLV or SWF video movie

    <BaseColor>0x6F6F6F</BaseColor> - base color for player appearance

    <VideoLoaderBarColor>0x8A0606</VideoLoaderBarColor> - video loader color

    <PlayBarColor>0xFAE31F</PlayBarColor> - video playback navigation bar color

    <VolumeBarColor>0xFAE31F</VolumeBarColor> - volume control color

    <VolumeBarBackColor>0x8A0606</VolumeBarBackColor> - volume background control color

    <PreviewPreloaderColor>0x8A0606</PreviewPreloaderColor> - preloader bar color

    <BtnReplayCaption>Replay</BtnReplayCaption> - text for replay button which appears in the end of the video. IMPORTANT: do not use " or ' symbol in the title text

    <BtnOpenSiteCaption>View Site</BtnOpenSiteCaption> - text for the second button appearing in the end of video, this button is used to open web-site. IMPORTANT: do not use " or ' symbol in the title text

    <BtnOpenSiteURL></BtnOpenSiteURL> - URL to open when user click on second button (see prev settings)

    <LogoImage>my_sample_logo.png</LogoImage> - URL to logo image (jpg, gif, png) to "watermark" video

    <LogoURL></LogoURL> - URL to open when user clicks on logo image

    <LogoAlign>topleft</LogoAlign> - logo alignment setting. Available values: topright, topleft, bottomright, bottomleft, custom. If not set then bottomright is used by default. When When "custom" option is used then X and Y can be specified (see below)

    <LogoXposition>160</LogoXposition> - When "custom" option is used then X position of logo image can be specified in this option

    <LogoYposition>15</LogoYposition> - When "custom" option is used then Y position of logo image can be specified in this option

    <LogoScale>100</LogoScale> - When "custom" option is used then scale factor for logo image can be specified in this option

    <AutoPlayClipIndex>1</AutoPlayClipIndex> - Default. Do not change

    <ShowLastFrameUnderButtons>yes</ShowLastFrameUnderButtons> - Set to yes to show buttons under video otherwise set to "none" or "0" to show blank area will be used as background.

    <NumberOfClips>none</NumberOfClips> - Default. Do not change

    <ExtVideoFileName>Videos/Butterfly.wmv</ExtVideoFileName> - URL or path to video file (FLV or SWF)

    <InitialVolumeLevel>50</InitialVolumeLevel> - Initial sound volume level

