James Richards

James Richards

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Accessing network for c# program through another computer

Oct 17 2014 11:21 AM
Back ground: I have been writing a fiscal service system, currently each user must be granted access to the areas on the network where data/reports/files are stored. I want to create a windows service on a remote machine that can access these files for the system and not give access to the user except through the system. This is for two reasons: 
1. It keeps the user from directly accessing items to change or delete with out using my system, with my system everything is logged.
2. Makes it easier to add new people as I can add access through my program so they don't have to request them through our security officer(I am at a government agency and this access can take a week or more to get as it involves multiple agency's handling the request and mutiple agencies responding. 
I am a fairly new C# programmer (self taught, mainly a main framer before)