Delhi Chapter
Live Show

Redux in JavaScript just in 60 mins

John Miller Delhi Chapter

The Redux docs are intended to teach the basic concepts of Redux, as well as explain key concepts for use in real-world applications. However, the docs can't cover everything. Happily, there are many other great resources available for learning Redux. We encourage you to check them out. Many of them cover topics that are beyond the scope of the docs, or describe the same topics in other ways that may work better for your learning style.

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This page includes our recommendations for some of the best external resources available to learn Redux. For an additional extensive list of tutorials, articles, and other resources on React, Redux, Javascript, and related topics,


Chapter Leader

Sourabh Somani

Microsoft MVP | C# Corner MVP | Tech Lead | Speaker | Developer | Author | Freelancer | Blogger

Live Show Details

  • Event Url: YouTube
