Mumbai Chapter

Preparing for c# interviews for students.

Kamal Rawat Mumbai Chapter

This week Mumbai c# corner is conducting a session for college students. In this session we will walk through what you need to prepare for becoming c# programmer.

·         Different career growth in Software industry (testing, networking, programming etc).

·         Why programming as a career and Why c# and not any other language?

·         What's asked in interviews?

o   Algorithms and logic.

§  Writing a simple Fibonnaci series logic.

o   OOP's ( Classes , objects , Inheritance , polymorphism).

o   ASP.NET  ( Postback,Page life cycle and Session variables).

o   ADO.Net ( Dataset and Datareaders)

o   SQL Server ( Simple SQL Queries)

o   Questions asked around WCF and Web services.

o   Questions asked around LINQ and Entity framework.

o   Brainstorming MVC interview questions.

o   Walk through of what questions are asked in WPF.

·         How does a fresher's resume look like?.

·         Uploading your resume with proper keywords.

·         Discussing current Salary standards for c# developers.

·         Q and A.

The snacks are sponsored by website.  Do have a look their c# and .NET interview questions with answers videos .

Chapter Leader

Vithal Wadje

Vithal is a Developer , Software Architect, Microsoft MVP (since 2016) , C# Corner MVP (5 times) , Microsoft C# TechNet Guru (March 2015) , Author , Blogger ...
