Registration Closed
Delhi Chapter

Learn IOC, DI, Media Services With MVC, .NET Garbage Collection & Web APIs

Nitin Pandit Delhi Chapter

On December 13, Join Delhi Chapter Meet and learn IOC , DI, Media Services With Asp.Net MVC, Garbage Collection in .NET & Web APIs for Mobile Apps. 

Where: H-217, First Floor, Sector 63, Noida

Price: Free of cost

Requirement: Optional to bring your laptop and internet card

On December 13 we will cover the following topics,
  • Learn Inversion of Control (IoC) in ASP.NET MVC
  • Understanding Garbage Collection in .NET
  • Building Media Services using MVC
  • Building Web APIs for Mobile Apps using Asp.Net Web API

Registration starts at 09:00 AM. So we request you to be there at 09:00 to get a seat.

Session details are as follows,

IOC and DI With Asp.Net MVC Nitin Pandit
09:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Understanding Garbage Collection in .NET Dhananjay Kumar
11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
Building Media Services using MVC Abhimanyu K Vatsa 12:15 PM - 01:15 PM
Building Web APIs for Mobile Apps using Asp.Net Web API Vishal Kaushik 01:15 PM - 01:45 PM

Nitin Pandit @thinkaboutnitin

He is Sr. Programmer and Microsoft.Net Consultant Noida (Uttar Pradesh) Microsoft Professional having more than 5 years of vast experience in software industry with rich skill set of designing, integrating, implementing , ORM with LINQ,WCF,MVC & managing IT/Web applications. Technologies Technology Level C#.Net Expert Expert LINQ to SQL Expert LINQ to EF Expert 2.0/3x/4.0 Expert WCF Expert MVC 4.0 (Razor) Expert WPF and Silverlight Expert.

Dhananjay Kumar @debug_mode

Developer Evangelist Infragistics and Microsoft MVP.

Abhimanyu Kumar Vatsa @itorian

Abhimanyu is a Microsoft MVP (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015) and Mindcracker (C# Corner) MVP (2010, 2011) and also a published author of Instant Razor View Engine How-To book from Packt Publication. He is good in building web scale applications using Microsoft Technologies including ASP.NET, MVC, C#/VB, jQuery, JavaScript, AngularJS, SQL Server and many more web stuffs. In addition with Microsoft Web Stack Technologies,he also cool in Oracle, MySQL, PHP, Java, ColdFusion etc but my specialty is always Microsoft. He love to work with Internet scale projects using Microsoft stuffs that has potential to change the every day use of technology.

Vishal Kaushik 

Vishal Kaushik is a Software Architect by profession, who believes Software is best way of his self-expression, and his contribution to mankind. He seeks opportunities to build innovative software solutions that can benefit its direct and indirect Consumers in small or big ways.
Queries concerning your registration should be addressed to [email protected] or call at0120- 4256016.

Chapter Leader

Sourabh Somani

Microsoft MVP | C# Corner MVP | Tech Lead | Speaker | Developer | Author | Freelancer | Blogger
