Delhi Chapter

Learn AngularJS, JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS & ReactJS

Manish Tewatia Delhi Chapter

On February 05, Join Delhi Chapter Meet and learn AngularJS, JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS & ReactJS.

Where: H-217, First Floor, Sector 63, Noida

Price: Free of cost

Requirement: Optional to bring your laptop and internet card

On February 05, we will cover the following topics,

  • Getting Started with AngularJS

  • Ubiquitous & Eloquent JavaScript

    • Good practices
    • Datatypes and objects
    • ES6 features
    • OOPS implementation
    • Browsers support ES6
  • TypeScript with Visual Studio Code

  • Getting Started with NodeJS

    • Introduction to Node.JS 
    •  About REPL 
    •  Advantages and Limitations of Node.JS 
    •  Node.JS Architechture 
    •  Installation Guide 
    •  Hello World Program 
    •  Reading File and Writing File 
    •  Event Loop 
    •  Connecting Node.JS Program to Database
  • ReactJS

    • Introduction
    • Angular vs React
    • How react works
    • JSX
    • React Components
    • React Data flow
Registration starts at 09:30 AM. So we request you to be there at 09:30 to get a seat.

Session details are as follows,

Getting Started with AngularJS Nitin Pandit 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Ubiquitous & Eloquent JavaScript
Sumit Jolly
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
TypeScript with Visual Studio Code Sachin Kalia 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
Lunch NA 01:00 PM - 01:30 PM
Getting Started with NodeJS Sourabh Somani 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM
Ankur Mishra
02:30 PM - 03:30 PM

Queries concerning your registration should be addressed to [email protected] or call at 0120- 4256016.


Chapter Leader

Sourabh Somani

Microsoft MVP | C# Corner MVP | Tech Lead | Speaker | Developer | Author | Freelancer | Blogger
