Delhi Chapter

Full Day Hands-On with ASP.NET MVC 5

Praveen Moosad Delhi Chapter

Entry is restricted only to those who have purchased the tickets of C# Corner Annual Conference 2017. You will have to show the copy of your ticket at entry gate.

People who are willing to join this event, can go through the link for purchasing the ticket of C# Corner Annual Conference 2017

On November 6, join Delhi Chapter Meet, full day, for Hands-On with ASP.NET MVC 5.

Where: H-217, First Floor, Sector 63, Noida

Duration: Full Day (10:00 AM to 06:00 PM)

Requirement: Bring your own laptop and internet card

In this Meet, we will cover the following topics-

Lecture 1
  • What is MVC?
  • Getting Started with MVC 5.0
  • Understanding Models, Views and Controllers
  • Create MVC Application (CRUD with EF)

Lecture 2

  • Routing in MVC
  • State Management in MVC (TempData / ViewBag / ViewData)
  • Using HTML Helper Controls
    • Html.BeginForm
    • Html.EndForm
    • Html.TextBox
    • Html.TextArea
    • Html.Password
    • Html.Hidden
    • Html.CheckBox
    • Html.RadioButton
    • Html.DropDownList
    • Html.ListBox

Lecture 3

  • How to Use Web Grid?
  • CRUD Operations in Web Grid

Lecture 4

  • What is Bundling in MVC?
  • Using Area in MVC Web project Solution
  • Creating Application with Area
  • Using Partial Views in MVC

Demo Project

Q&A sessions

Registration starts at 09:30 AM. So, we request you to be there at 09:30 to get a seat.

Queries, concerning your registration, should be addressed to [email protected] or call at 0120- 4256016.


Chapter Leader

Sourabh Somani

Microsoft MVP | C# Corner MVP | Tech Lead | Speaker | Developer | Author | Freelancer | Blogger
