Windows Phone 7 EAS policies

Windows Phone 7 devices only support a subset of the Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) policies available with Exchange 2003 SP2, Exchange 2007, and Exchange 2010. Currently, Windows Phone 7 supports the following EAS policies. It 7 doesn't support the breadth of Exchange Active Sync policies that it's predecessor did when I went to activate an HTC Arrive on our corporate network.

The policies are:

  • Password Required
  • Device Wipe Threshold
  • Allow Simple Password
  • Disable IrDA
  • Disable Desktop Sync
  • Password Expiration
  • Password History
  • Disable Removable Storage
  • Block Remote Desktop
  • Minimum Password Length
  • Idle Timeout Frequency Value
  • Block Internet Sharing

The following policies will always return "TRUE".

  • Disable Removable Storage
  • Block Remote Desktop
  • Block Internet Sharing
  • Disable IrDA
  • Disable Desktop Sync

Thank You......