What Changed Since EF Feature CTP5?

What Changed Since EF Feature CTP5?

The new features in ADO.NET Entity Framework 4.1 RC were previously included in Entity Framework Feature CTP5. The changes since Feature CTP5 include:

  • Rename of ‘DbDatabase' to ‘Database'. This class has also moved to the ‘System.Data.Entity' namespace, along with the database initializer classes.
  • Rename of ‘ModelBuilder' to ‘DbModelBuilder', to align with the other core classes.
  • Validation in Model First and Database First. The new validation feature was only supported in Code First in CTP5. In RC the validation feature will work with all three development workflows (Model First, Database First, and Code First).
  • Complete Intellisense docs. Feature CTPs were not extensively documented because the API surface was changing significantly between each release. This release includes complete documentation.
  • Removal of Code First Pluggable Conventions. Pluggable Conventions were previewed in Feature CTP5 but were not at go-live quality for this release. This release still supports the removal of default conventions.
  • Consolidation of IsIndependent in the Code First relationship API. When configuring relationships in Feature CTP5 the IsIndependent method was used to identify that the relationship did not have a foreign key property exposed in the object model. This is now done by calling the Map method. HasForeignKey is still used for relationships where the foreign key property is exposed in the object model.
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