Viva Vista!!

I've been a user of Windows Vista ever since its initial beta stages. Being an MVP I had access to bits early on, and I never hid my affection for the operating system. As far as I'm concerned Windows Vista has been enhanced in every aspect and manner I can think of. Everything is new; they maybe named the same, like the Recycle Bin for example, but it somehow isn't the same, at all!

Today, I setup my new machine at work with Windows Vista pre-installed. I never thought it would happen, but I am in love with Vista all-over-again!! What's the difference you say; why the newly hiked enthusiasm? What made this Vista so different from all the others?

I have a simple-one-word-answer for you; hardware. This new PC has a 256MB NVidia graphics card installed, 2 gigs of RAM, over 100 gigs of hard-disk-space and 2GHz processor. With the proper drivers installed this machine rocks!

Everything is working sooooo smooth, it simply takes my breath away. The 3D flipping, Window transparency, sidebar, windows media player, the new start menu and the gazillions and gazillions of new options, settings and preferences you can manage. Even IE7, which I've been skeptic about in the past, works perfectly.

All-in-all, this operating system is here to stay.

Bashar Lulu
MVP - Visual Basic
INETA Country Leader - Gulf

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