Use Ternary Operator In C# Language


In c# language, ternary operator (?) use to check a conduction, so other name of ternary operator is conditional operator, which work as a if statement. This operator compares two values. It produces a third value that depends on the result of the comparison. At compile-time, the C# compiler translates the ternary expression into branch statements such as brtrue.


using System;

namespace Ternary_____operator_in_c_sharp


    class login     //create class



        public string check(string name, int pass) //Create function


            //Use ternary operator ?

            //condition true then reply "Welcome Arvind"

            //condition falls then reply "Invalid Login or Password"

            return name == "arvind" && pass==123 ? "Welcome Arvind":"Invalid Login or Password";





    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            login log = new login();  //create object of class login


             //call to check function with values and then show result









Note: If you pass another int value which do not match in pass parameter variable, then show second output message is "Invalid Login or Password".

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