Use of Deployment Descriptor in java

In this blog, I will explain you  about the deployment descriptor used in a web application in java. Deployment Descriptor is a simple xml document which is used to map URL to servlet. It tells the container how to run servlet and JSP. In a web application, Deployment Descriptor file is saved with name web.xml.
There are two xml elements that are used to map URL to servlet.

  1. <servlet>- it maps the internal name to servlet class name
  2. <servlet-mapping>-  it maps the internal name to public name.

Now ,first let us know about these internal, public and class name of servlet. A servlet can have three name .These are:-

  1. Class name - A servlet is given a class name by the developer who created it. The full path of a servlet file is combination of servlet class name and its location on server.
                 Example-:  classes/record/SignUpServlet.class
  2. Internal name - Servlet can also be given a deployment name. It is a secret internal name that can be same or different from class name
  3. Public name - Servlet has a public name that is coded in html. Client knows that name and use it in URL to call the servlet.

A deployment descriptor file with both these elements looks like-:

<servlet-name> Internal1</servlet-name>
<servlet-class> src.Servlet1</servlet-class>
 <servlet-name> Internal1</servlet-name>
In the above xml, the value of servlet-name tag is the internal name of servlet, the value of servlet class tag is the class name of servlet and the value of URL pattern tag is the public name of servlet.
Now , how the two xml element maps the URL to servlet :-

  1. <servlet-mapping> tag maps the internal name with the public name of servlet.
  2. < servlet > tag maps the internal name with the class name of servlet.

This is how the container  loads the servlet that the client has requested. This is one of the use of Deployment Descriptor .Some of the other uses of this file is to customize the web application like security code, error pages .
I hope this article was useful to you and thank you for reading it.