Upgrading From Fedora 23 to Fedora 24 with Gnome

This post will guide you on how to upgrade from F23 to F24 with Gnome.

First let’s start with a machine with Fedora 23 fully updated. IF you are new to fedora then you can simply do it by running $ sudo dnf update.

Once you are done, you will be ready to start off.

**Make sure you are not going to use your production machine as this test might result in data loss.

Enabling COPR repo : dnf copr enable rhughes/f23-gnome320


Editing the fedora.json file

You can find the file at ~/.cache/gnome-software/3.20/upgrades/fedora.json .


Find f24 and change the status key pair value from "Under Development" to "Active",

  1. {  
  2. "allow_retire"true,  
  3. "branchname""f24",  
  4. "date_created""2016-02-23 22:57:55",  
  5. "date_updated""2016-02-25 20:39:53",  
  6. "dist_tag"".fc24",  
  7. "koji_name""f24",  
  8. "name""Fedora",  
  9. "status""Active",  
  10. "version""24"  
  11. }  
Once done, log out and log back into your system. If everything has gone right , you will see this in your Update tab of Gnome software.


That's how you can upgrade from F23 to F24 easily with Gnome 3.20.


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