The Sum up of /Build/ Bangalore

This is where I will be sharing my experience of long waited Build ’15 where we had many interesting topics to spice up stuffs before Microsoft officially releases Windows 10 for regular users.

Let me jump with the starting of how it started and the fellow teammates I travelled with. It was on June 10, 2015 when 3 people from Geek Monkey Studios(Abhishek , Pooja and Myself) went to Leela Palace to start experiencing the flow of Build. The whole idea was to give the developers a very clear idea about the areas which Windows 10 will target and Microsoft goals with Edge as well.

The Sessions

Keynote was by Pete Brown who talked in details about how the computing platform has evolved over the decades and how Microsoft will be looking towards it in near future. He talked in depth about the new IDE and Dev tools, the new browser and the HoloLens. The IoT was kept in focus as it’s the next big thing in terms of computing and Pie 2 along with Intel Galileo Gen1 extends the support of Windows 10 as IoT computing platform.In the later half he showed a really cool demo on IoT using Pie 2.

The Azure cloud platform was taken by Neil Huston where we got to experience how fast the cloud is evolving and how much more we can rely on Azure as a Cloud Platform. The power of ML , Bigdata , Hadoop has really extended the ecosystem and its not very hard anymore to experiment with these. There are few other stuffs as well, this includes the Stream Analytics and the Service Bus on Azure which can be used for data analysis and talking to IoT devices in realtime seamlessly in a hassle free manner.

The Universal App Platform was given by Kiran Kumar where we got the in depth of the new App Model which developers can start hacking on. This is the new, fresh and there are immense set of opportunities which will empower the developers to write apps from one windows platform and run it across any windows 10 builds. The developers can leverage the converged model approach and make something really wonderful with it. There are also a new section of applications which has been announced “ Hosted Web Apps” this means that any website can be deployed as an application and this requires no extra developmental skills because it can be done by the JS UAP from Visual Studio 2015 RC.

The Web was taken by Sen Chauhan , this was the most interesting topics as he walked us through a journey where we saw how the web has evolved and how the new Edge will surpass the web standard web experience and we can make the most of it. The new features and the specs were covered as well. The underlying difference of IE with Edge was focused on.

It was one hell of a experience when today and I will be sharing more on TechNet Wiki by talking about the new experiences and technologies.
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