Structured Logging with Sensitive Data Sanitization using Serilog


Logging is an essential aspect of application development, offering insights into application behavior and performance. However, logging sensitive data like passwords or personal information can pose security risks. In this blog post, we'll delve into implementing structured logging with Serilog and sanitizing sensitive data before logging it, utilizing the Console sink as an example.

Overview of Structured Logging

Structured logging entails logging data in a structured format, typically as key-value pairs. This format enhances searchability, filtering, and analysis of log data compared to traditional plain text logging.

The source code can be downloaded from GitHub

Introduction to Serilog

Serilog is a popular logging library for .NET, supporting structured logging out of the box. It offers a versatile configuration API and various sinks for directing log data to different destinations.

Setting up Serilog with Console Sink

The Console sink is a straightforward sink provided by Serilog for logging to the console. It is commonly used during development or debugging. Setting up Serilog with the Console sink requires minimal configuration.

Install packages Serilog and Serilog.Sinks.Console



Logging is an essential aspect of application development, offering insights into application behavior and performance. However, logging sensitive data like passwords or personal information can pose security risks. In this blog post, we'll delve into implementing structured logging with Serilog and sanitizing sensitive data before logging it, utilizing the Console sink as an example.

Overview of Structured Logging

Structured logging entails logging data in a structured format, typically as key-value pairs. This format enhances searchability, filtering, and analysis of log data compared to traditional plain text logging.

The source code can be downloaded from GitHub

Introduction to Serilog

Serilog is a popular logging library for .NET, supporting structured logging out of the box. It offers a versatile configuration API and various sinks for directing log data to different destinations.

Setting up Serilog with Console Sink

The Console sink is a straightforward sink provided by Serilog for logging to the console. It is commonly used during development or debugging. Setting up Serilog with the Console sink requires minimal configuration.

Install packages Serilog and Serilog.Sinks.Console