Stop Particular Host Running in Fiddler

We can stop particular host running  in fiddler just by two step:

Step 1: Open the Fiddler.

From the above figure you can notice that localhost:56157 is running in the fiddler.

Now our task is to stop this host(localhost:56157) which is running in the fiddler this can be achieved by Customize rule option.

Step 2: Goto Rules-> Customize rule or just give Ctrl+R in fiddler.

Now the CustomRule.js file will be opened.

Write the below condition in OnBeforeRequest static function of the script:

  1. if ("localhost:56157"){  
  2.     oSession["ui-hide"] = "true";  
  3. }  
Now you can observe that the  localhost:56157 will be stopped running in fiddler.
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