SharePoint 15 New Features

  1. New SharePoint Apps Marketplace.


    using  Microsoft.SharePoint.AppManagement
  2. Support new Database provider. You can attach Database like MSSQL and any other.

    using Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.DatabaseProvider namespace
  3. Authentication with a service that supports OAuth 2.0 bearer token authentication.

    using Microsoft.SharePoint.IdentityModel.OAuth2 namespace
  4. Minimal Download Strategy (MDS) framework.

    using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.MdsCompliantAttribute
    Indicates whether the script, style, and field. All controls that render inside an AjaxDelta control must either have this attribute or be in a whitelisted assembly for which all controls are compliant.
    For More Details about MDS:
  5. SharePoint Duet: A cloud version of the Duet add-on Developed by SAP and Microsoft that allows SharePoint to integrate with SAP applications.
  6. Rights Management Services (RMS) integration.

    • it has its own user permissions.
    • it has its own licensing.

  7. The Client Object Model is extended with Search. The functionality corresponds to that of Microsoft.Office.Server.Search we know from the current SharePoint Object Model. 

    • Contains information about a keyword based search query.
    • Regular search results feteched from the underlying search engine.


  8. Contains ASP.NET server controls that are used on site and list pages in a SharePoint site.

    <%@ Register Tagprefix="SharePoint" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls"
       Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral,
       PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" %>
  9. Provides properties for workflow events.

    Download SharePoint 15 Technical Preview
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