Session Recap - Delhi Chapter Meet - November 7, 2015

Hello everyone! 
Here's a session-recap that we had last weekend at C# Corner.
We started off with the topic what exactly the inversion of Control is and stepped down to the deep dive in the process. 
IoC is really not a design pattern and is just a way of implementing the design pattern. Apparently, IoC is not the only way you can implement dependency injection, there are so many! 
We enjoyed discussing how an IoC container actually works and it's behind the scene stories.
Progressively we moved towards MVC (our prime agenda of the day!) and we discussed how exactly a controller is created in ASP.NET MVC. We did create a Custom Controller and went through live hands-on how does the dependency injection takes place.
I chose "Unity" as our IoC container for the demo and explained how it can help inverting the control and it's subsequent benefits in Unit Testing. We discussed how to register the Types manually as well as automatically. 
It was really awesome to find all the attendees so interested in the topic and excited to learn this concept. I really enjoyed it. I am looking forward to take this session to next level and discuss advanced injections in ASP.NET MVC next.
I found this pretty nice comparison done for available IoC containers: 
It is not updated and been posted in 2011 but I think this will give you a basic Idea behind their level of performance.
Hope you find this useful! 
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