Search Tree view Recursively and check the checkbox of search item

There is FindNode(searchval) method but it only finds with in level1 . it doesn't find from the child nodes.


So here is code snippet for searching all the items of treeview.




    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


        //search item

        string checkit = "item1";


        // iterating all parent nodes of treeview.

        foreach (TreeNode t in TreeView1.Nodes)


            search_it(t, str);




    protected void search_it(TreeNode t, string str)


        if (t != null)


            if (t.Value == str)


                t.Checked = true;




                // if node contains child node,then process it

                foreach (TreeNode temp in t.ChildNodes)

                {           search_it(temp, str);















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