Presented at Azure Boot camp: Pune 9th April 2011.

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I must say “Pune user group delivered an effective Azure Boot Camp“. On a Saturday, it was nice to see more than 50 participants. Somehow I was disappointed because I had information that more than 220 people registered for the event. However, on any day 50 is descent number for any event.  There were 6 sessions lined up for the day

1.       Introduction to Cloud Computing and Windows Azure  platform

2.       Cloud and Windows 7 Phone

3.       Introduction to VM Role

4.       Introduction to App Fabric and Access control

5.       All About Marketplace

6.       SQL Azure to .NET Developer

I presented on the topic “SQL Azure to .Net Developer”. 


Although my session was last session at 4.30 PM, I had more than 40 participants.  Since my session was last for the day, I had been thinking to interesting and out of the box start.  I started session with most popular 30 second video “DEVELOPER DEVELOPER DEVELOPER “.

After seeing this video crowd was set for the session. I set the expectation to the audience that session would be DEMO and CODE oriented.

My first slide left the audience with a smile because I did not directly answer the question “What is SQL Azure Database? “   And I told them there are About 5,480,000 results (0.11 seconds)  on the Google so there is no need for me to preach on this, just let us start coding.

It was fun for next 55 minutes. I enjoyed writing code in front of more than 40 people. Audience got really excited when they saw a web application completely created and hosted before their eyes in the azure.

I conclude here with saying, it was a nice learning and motivating experience for me delivering at Pune Azure Boot Camp.