Presented 3 talks at C# Corner Annual Conference 2015

on stage

Read official recap here

Once again it was great show at C# Corner Annual conference 2015 with more than 500 attendees and around 10 speakers. I had an opportunity to present on three different topics in this esteem conference. I presented on following topics:

  • 9 JavaScript tips for .NET developers
  • Goodness of IgniteUI in AngularJS
  • Onion Architecture in ASP.NET MVC application

I had the first session of the conference on 9 JavaScript tips. In this 45 min session I talked about various tips related to JavaScript functions, scope, objects, DOM etc.

I had an opportunity to co present the session with great Jason Beres. While in the session he gave awesome insight of IOT, Cloud and Data Visualization, I had an opportunity to show a step by step demo on AngularJS and Ignite UI. This is what Jason had to say about the demo:

My third session was on onion architecture in ASP.NET MVC application. This session went crazily houseful. During the session official social media channel of conference posted the update shown in below image on their official Facebook.

There were around 50 people seating on floor and same number of audience were standing for this session. I was very happy seeing this response.

Once again it was great show by the C# corner team. I congratulate the team for the great work and thank Mahesh Chand for the opportunity.

Last but not least congratulation to all the C# corner MVP. They inspire me to get going.

I am already excited for C# Corner conference 2016.