PowerShell Script To Delete All Items Of SharePoint 2013

  1. Open your SharePoint Management Shell.
  2. Copy the code given below and paste it.
  3. Run the code given below.
  4. Open your SharePoint site
  5. Check  if the execution completed successfully or not.
  1. $siteURL = "https://gowtham.sharepoint.com/tutorial"  
  2. $ListName="Tutorials"  
  3. $site = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite ($siteURL)  
  4. $web = $site.OpenWeb()  
  5. $oList = $web.Lists[$ListName];  
  6. $collListItems = $oList.Items;  
  7. $count = $collListItems.Count -1;  
  8. for($intIndex = $count; $intIndex -ge 0; $intIndex--)  
  9. {  
  10.    $collListItems[$intIndex].Delete();  
  11. }   
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