Pooling with the SQL Server .NET Data Provider

Pooling with the SQL Server .NET Data Provider

If you are using the SQL Server .NET Data Provider, use the connection pooling support offered by the provider. It is a transaction-aware and efficient mechanism implemented internally by the provider, within managed code. Pools are created on a per application domain basis, and pools are not destroyed until the application domain is unloaded.
You can use this form of connection pooling transparently, but you should be aware of how pools are managed and of the various configuration options that you can use to fine-tune connection pooling.
In many cases, the default connection pooling settings for the SQL Server .NET data provider may be sufficient for your application. During the development and testing of your .NET-based application, it is recommended that you simulate projected traffic patterns to determine if modifications to the connection pool size are required.
Developers building scalable, high performance applications should minimize the amount of time a connection is used, keeping it open for only as long as it takes to retrieve or update data. When a connection is closed, it is returned to the connection pool and made available for reuse. In this case, the actual connection to the database is not severed; however, if connection pooling is disabled, the actual connection to the database will be closed. Developers should be careful not to rely on the garbage collector to free connections because a connection is not necessarily closed when the reference goes out of scope. This a common source of connection leaks, resulting in connection exceptions when new connections are requested.

Shashi Ray
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