Overview of Single Page Application (SPA)

Single Page Application (SPA) as name represents that the application which have only one or single page is called single page application. Now you people are thinking that how it’s possible. Let me explain, In Single Page application (SPA) there is Main Page called Shell Page and other pages are dynamically created at run time on the same page. In SPA when going from page to page it’s not really going to another page, it’s loading different information on the same page.

In any Asp.Net, PHP application every request goes to server and server returns an HTML page that’s not a case with SPA. In initial request of SPA page has loaded and created using HTML and after that in every request the server returns the Data in JSON format. By using JSON data the page has dynamically created.


There are multiple Java Script Libraries are available which can use to develop SPA, but the widely used libraries are:

  1. Knockout.JS
  2. Angular.JS
  3. Backbone.JS

Benefits of SPA

  1. SPA based on Responsive Web Design so it’s very well supported on all devices.
  2. Separation of Concern. Presentation Layer and Service layer are independent. Any layer can change without impacting any change on other layer.
  3. Good User Experience, the page is not refreshed on every request.
  4. SPA maintains Navigation and history of pages loaded which makes it faster.
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