Optional Parameters in WCF Service URI Template?

WebGet(UriTemplate = "TestMessage/{p1}?firstname={firstname}&lastname={lastname}", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Xml)]
string TestMessage(string message,string firstname="",string lastname="");

Whereas TestMessage is my service name and p1 parameter is compulsory
whereas firstname and lastname parameters are optional but u have to specify in the URI Template
but keep one thing in mind while declaring the parameters as optional u have to first preceed them
with ? and then parameter name and then use & to assign the second parameter as option as per your
requirement. If u see in the function declaration also i have used the optional parameter feature of
.Net 4.0

Step 2: Function Definition
public string TestMessage(string message,string firstname="",string lastname="")
string responsedata = string.Empty;
responsedata = message + "" + "FirstName: " + firstname + "" + "LastName: " + lastname;
return responsedata;

Note: How to call the Service:

Input1: http://localhost:49785/Service.svc/parameter1

Output1: parameter1 Firstname: LastName:
In the above output, only parameter1 will be returned as u didnot specify the other 2 parameters so they
will get their value as "Empty"


parameter1 Firstname:kamal LastName:rawat
so u will see in the above output u passed both the parameters so you got all the values.

Input2: http://localhost:49785/Service.svc/parameter1?firstname=kamal

parameter1 Firstname:kamal LastName:

In the above output parameter1 is passed i.e firstname=kamal but you wont get lastname parameter, bcoz you didn't pass and its optional if u dont
pass the parameter value and will take value as empty.

Thanks for reading..
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