My session at Sydney Microsoft Office

"Presenting a session in Microsoft" It's my greates dream in my life.
In one word, "It's a Marvellous evening". Interesting part is, Adam Cogan is my fellow speaker. Working in Microsoft as a Technical Architect and as a Microsoft Regional Director too :-)
Presented my session in Microsoft office, Attended Adam's session, Techie talks with hard core developers and finally my session is recorded and it will published soon in Microsoft portal.
To be frank, No words to express my joy.... In presenting an evening session to the techie experts in Microsoft, Sydney office.
Sydney Microsoft Office
 Speaker's desk

Preparing my laptop for the presentation

 Oops, very big screen...

Started my session with the query, "How a DBA can achieve Enterprise wide Compliance standard?"

 Practical demos
Adam cogan's session on Sharepoint 2010 Wiki Vs Sharepoint 2010 Blog

My kid playing in Microsoft office

  My wife and MS office

Front row : My wife, Myself,  Adam Cogan and a 22 year experienced Microsoft developer
Back row : Hard core techies

Venkatesan Prabu .J
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