Mapping of LINQ to SQL Object and Relational Object(Sql Server Object)

The LINQ to SQL object model provides the fundamental elements for working with and managing relational objects. It is via this model that a relational model is mapped to and expressed in the developer's programming language.In the LINQ to SQL object model, database commands are not issued against the database directly. As a developer, you simply change values and execute methods within the confines of the object model. LINQ to SQL then translates those changes or methods into the appropriate SQL commands and funnels them through to the database to be executed. The following table shows the relationship between the LINQ to SQL object model and the corresponding relational model. 

More described details are showing below in table to map both objects and will help to understand the fact that "how these object named as in their respective technology"

LINQ to SQL Object

Relational Object



Entity class


Class member



Foreign-key relationship



Hope this very little excerpt help to .Net freeks.

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