Main Method in C#

See following points,

  1. Main() method is the starting point of a program.

  2. Main() method is always "Static".

  3. Main() should NOT be "Public". Default access specifier of Main() is Private.

  4. Following are the acceptable signatures of Main() method,
    1. static void Main(string[] args){}  
    3. static void Main(){}  
    5. staticint Main(string[] args){}  
    7. staticint Main(){}  
  5. Main() method can have either of the two return types - void and int.

  6. Main() method can either have input string arguments or none.

  7. There can be only one entry point in a program. However, we can have multiple Main() in the same project. But you need to define the "Startup object" defining which is the single entry point.

    Sample Code:

    We have two classes,
    1. namespace ConsoleApplication2  
    2. {  
    3.     //Class 1  
    4.     public class Class1  
    5.     {  
    6.         static void Main(string[] args)  
    7.         {}  
    8.     }  
    9.     //Class 2  
    10.     public class Class2  
    11.     {  
    12.         static void Main(string[] arg)  
    13.         {}  
    14.     }  
    15. }  
    When you compile this program, you can see both classes listed as Startup objects in Property pages of the Project.

    You need to select one of the two.