Loading all database into combo box and loading all sqlsever name in C# .Net

Loading database into combobox as well server name that are available...

Import reference:

//This is available in sql sever SDK Folder



//Use namespace to import.

using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo;

using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common;

Declare Object of Server Class

Code in load event of form:

        //datatable object


        DataTable dt = SmoApplication.EnumAvailableSqlServers(true);

        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)


            // Loop through each server in the DataTable

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)



                //cmbsrv_name is name of combo box in //which all server name will be loaded..




To load all database code:

This code will be in button click event to connect with server.

//cmbsrv_name is name of combo in which all server name loaded.


        if (cmbsrv_name.SelectedItem != null && cmbsrv_name.SelectedItem.ToString() != "")


            ServerConnection srvcon = new ServerConnection(cmbsrv_name.SelectedItem.ToString());

            srvcon.LoginSecure = false;


            //txtuserid is id of server and txtpassword password of server to connect

            srvcon.Login = txtuserid.Text;

            srvcon.Password = txtPassword.Text;

            srv = new Server(srvcon);

            foreach (Database db in srv.Databases)


                //cmbdatabase is name of combobox in which all database related to that server will be loaded





Thanks you