Keyboard Shortcuts in Linux

There are different flavour of Linux in the market like Redhat, CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian etc. Most of the commands are same for all.

key board

UP ARROW: This key will show you previous commands in descending order.

DOWN ARROW: This key will show how your forward command history.

CTRL+L: This key will clear your screen.

CTRL+R: This key is used for reverse search, press ctrl+R and you can easily access your last run command.

This key will show you previous history.

This key will show you forward history.

CTRL+B: This key is use for move cursor one character to the left side.

CTRL+F: This key is use for move cursor one character to the right side.

CTRL+E: This key is use for move cursor to the end of the line.

CTRL+A: This key is use for move cursor to the start of the line.

CTRL+U: This key is use for cut every from the line start to the cursor.

CTRL+K: This key is use for cut every from the cursor to end of the line.

CTRL+W: This key is use for cut the current word before the cursor.

CTRL+Y: This key is use for paste the previous cut text.

CTRL+SHIFT+c: This key is use for copy selected text.

CTRL+SHIFT+v: This key is use for paste your last copied by CTRL+SHIFT+c

CTRL+T: It swap the last two characters before the cursor.

CTRL+m: It behaves like the enter key.

HOME: It will move the cursor at the start of the line.

END: It will move the cursor at the end of the line.

CTRL+D: this key is use for log out the current session.

TAB: This key is most important and special key in Linux, it auto complete the name of the command, file and directory etc.

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