JavaScript Alert box with Multiline Text

Many times we need to show a message in the JavaScript Alert box and want to display the message in the multi-line or multiple lines.

This blog is about how to display the JavaScript Popup box with Multiple text lines through JavaScript and also using Code-behind (C#) code.

Display the Multi line message in Alert Box using JavaScript Code.

    <script language="javascript">
       alert('Hi, Good Morning\nWelcome To C-SharpCorner');



Or, you can show the text in Mulitline like this.

          <script language="javascript">
                alert( "ID = 101" + '\n' +
                       "NAME = Georgie" + '\n' +
                        "GENDER = Male"



Now, If you want to show to JavaScript Alert box using C# code.

dispalyAlert("Hello.\\n\\This is the Example of Multiple line JavaScript Alert box in C#.");

private void dispalyAlert(string message)

    string script = "alert('" + message + "');";

    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "UserSecurity", script, true);