Introduction to Microsoft Azure

Explaining Microsoft Azure:
Azure was first announced in 2008
Journey From Windows Azure to Microsoft Azure
Azure was first released in 2010 as WINDOWS AZURE, and on March 25, 2014,  Azure came up with a new name along with Amazon web services. It is now named MICROSOFT AZURE. Nowadays, Azure is the leader of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
There are three Main categories of cloud computing services:
  1. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)
  2. PaaS (Platform as a Service)
  3. SaaS (Software as a Service)
Popular Products of Azure
Some popular products of azure are: 
  • Cloud Services
  • Storage
  • SQL Database
  • App Services
  • Document DB
  • Active Directory
  • Backup
  • App Service
  • Virtual Machine
Data Center Regions
There are currently 32 Microsoft Azure data centers, in which 24 are already working while the other 8 are newly announced. These data centers are inthe  United States, Canada, Europe, South America, Australia,India, Germany, United Kingdom, Japan, and China.
You have to pass three exams to achieve the title of "Microsoft Certified Azure Solution Architect". By passing any one of the three exams, a student can earn the title of Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP).

Exam Code
  1. MS70-532
  2. MS70-533
  3. MS70-534
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