Introduction To iOS App Development

This is a blog which helps you get started with iOS mobile development, using Xcode and Swift 3.0. It is very simple to create an iOS app, you only need very basic knowledge of coding.
You may need
  • A Mac machine or VMWare, which acts as a Mac.
  • Xcode 8 (You can use any of the Xcode versions, but I am using version 8).
How to make a "Hello World" app
"Hello World" is the most basic app which most of the developers make the first time. Here, we are going to make a Hello World app.
Step 1
Open Xcode. Click "Create a new Xcode project".
Step 2
Select "Single View Application" and click Next. In the next window, give the app name in Product Name field and your company name in the Organization Identifier. Then, click Next. Now, select the location to save the app and press Create.
Step 3
Select Main.Story.Board and a View Controller will be visible. Now, drag and drop Controllers which we need from the toolbar in the bottom-right corner. To make this app, we only need a label to display "Hello World".
Given below is the toolbar from where we are going to drag and drop the label.
We can change the properties of the label from the top-right corner.
Step 4
Now, our app is ready and all we have to do is to run the app in a simulator.
For this, select the device and click the "Play" button at the top-left of the screen, and we will get the app.
It should take some time for the first time.
Given above is the snapshot of iPhone 7 Plus simulator running our app "Hello World".
You can keep practicing using different tools in tool box. It is very easy to understand. Here, we have not used any coding at all but we will use some of coding in the upcoming blogs.
Keep following for the updates.
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