I conducted a Faculty Development Programme at ACME Engineering College

Technology has its own mind. It evolves with the threading of wisdom and society that leads to a development of a civilization. I always strive to educate the determined group of people who wish to see the change in the existing society. Following the same league, I conducted a Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on 4th July 2014 at ACME Engineering College, Ghaziabad which updated them with the knowledge beyond books.
As a Tech blogger, it becomes my humble responsibility to educate them with latest changes. The programme conducted by me assisted the Engineering faculty to know about the latest developments made in the field of technology in recent. WCF Services and Cross Platform Mobile Application Development were the key topics that were exchanged in a vibrant way which was beyond an everyday classroom experience.
This Faculty Development Programme aimed to equip teachers with skills and knowledge that are essential for inculcating entrepreneurial values in students and guiding them their progress towards professionalism.
With an overwhelming response, Ms. Garima Singh, Head and Senior Faculty said, “It is an excellent experience to learn the essentials of the industry. We will definitely incorporate this learning in our syllabi. Also, we are looking forward to conduct Student Development Programme in near future”.
Another faculty member, Ms. Alpika Gupta explained, “Experience of getting knowledge about Web Application Development was really interesting. Certainly it will benefit our students and faculty as well to learn about the basics of Database and Communication Services”.
I believe in providing an active learning environment to engage and to analyze the process which will help the programmers and developers to collaborate better with the constant development taking place in the world of science.
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