How to get all the file types from SharePoint 2013 Enterprise Search using Powershell

In this blog, you will see how to get all the file types from SharePoint 2013 Enterprise Search using Powershell.

Navigate to Central Administration=> Application Management=> Manage service applications => Search Service Application=> File Types (under Crawling section in the left navigation). You should be able to see all the file types that are included in the content index.

Powershell Script: 

## Get the Enterprise Search Service Application

$ssa = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication

## Get all the file formats available for the Enterprise Search

$fileFormatColl=Get-SPEnterpriseSearchFileFormat –SearchApplication $ssa

## Loop through each file format

foreach($fileFormat in $fileFormatColl)


   ## Display the file name extension

   write-host -f Green $fileFormat.Identity
