How to Deliver speech in a presentation

  1. Keep a backup - Email your presentation to the organizers in advance. Ask them to load it on the laptop and check if everything works fine.
  2. You are here to talk to the audience so face them all the time. Try to be relaxed and conversational. Maintain eye contact.
  3. Be very clear about your key message. Make sure that everything you speak is consistent with the key message.
  4. Be conscious of your body language. Watch your hand gestures. Do not put stress on one leg and stand. Look welcoming and do not put a blank face in front of the audience. All this can make a lot of difference.
  5. Monitor your pitch and tone to put emphasis on important points. Show your emotions to the audience so that they know you are passionate about what you are speaking. Until you look excited and energized, audience will not react positively.
  6. Keep track of the time - do not exceed your limit, it might annoy the audience. If you are running short of time, convey a clear message by focusing on main points only. It is a difficult task but communicating a few ideas clearly is more effective than confusing the audience by bombardment of information.
  7. Ask the audience if they have any questions. Give yourself time to think by using phrases like "That's a good question, I haven't considered it that way before…", and if you are not sure you can say, “I will get back to you on that afterwards?" Answer all the questions to the best you can.
  8. Don’t be hesitant to ask people to repeat the question if you have not heard it, or politely ask for clarification if you're not sure you've understood it.
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