Getting Started with Silverlight 4

Getting Started with Silverlight 4

Silverlight 4 RC2 is available to download now. It works with Visual Studio 2010. First, you need to download and install Visual Studio 2010.

By default, Silverlight 4 does not ship with Visual Studio 2010. You need to download and install it separately.

Silverlight 4 is available here: Silverlight 4 Tools RC2 for Visual Studio.

After installing Silverlight 4 RC2, when you create a new Silverlight project in Visual Studio 2010, you will see 5 different project templates. Select one of these templates and make sure on next screen, Silverlight 4 is selected from the drop down. If you do not see Silverlight 4, that means Silverlight 4 is not installed on your machine properly.


More resources:

  • <!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]-->Learn READ ME: What's New in Silverlight 4?
  • <!--[if !supportLists]--> <!--[endif]-->Silverlight Toolkit
    The toolkit provides support for Visual Studio 2010 and Silverlight 4 development. The Toolkit provides numerous controls for your application and source code is also included for these controls using an Open Source license.
  • Online Silverlight 4 Documentation
  • Videos
    This is a series of videos covering the top Silverlight 4 features in more detail with available source sample code in C# and Visual Basic.
  • Got Silverlight questions, post on the forums here.