Get all the properties for the SharePoint site using powershell

Steps Involved:

  1. Open a new Notepad.
  2. Copy and paste the following script in the notepad.



$site=Get-SPsite "http://serverName:11111/sites/Vijai/"


## Get all the SPWeb properties


## $dictionaryEntry - Defines a dictionary key/value pair that can be set or retrieved.

foreach($dictionaryEntry in $properties)


  write-host -f Green "Key: " $dictionaryEntry.Key "--- Value: " $dictionaryEntry.Value




  1. Save the file as GetProperties.ps1.
  2. Open SharePoint 2010 Management Shell by going to Start | All Programs | SharePoint | Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products | SharePoint 2010 Management Shell (Run as Administrator).
  3. Run the GetProperties.ps1 file by running the following command       

          Where <FilePath> is the location where the GetProperties.ps1 is available

          For Example: D:\VijaiPOC\GetProperties.ps1