Making a Game Character For Unity


In this blog, I am going to explain about making game characters for Unity. Let's make the first image a smile image.
Software required
  • Inkscape  
Step 1

Open the Inkscape and click the new file. It will automatically open the new file.

Step 2

Click the circle in the tool bar and drag to the position box. Now, we can adjust the size and shapes.


Step 3

Now, we can insert the color we want inside the circle. For changing the color, you can click the the ToolBar, as shown below. 
Step 4

We can make eyes for the smile image. First, make a duplicate circle and make it small, followed by changing the color in the circle. Once again make the duplicate of the circle, followed by making it in a small size and changing the color.
Step 5

Make the duplicate of the eye by clicking the (Ctrl+D), which is then inserted into the circle. Now, see the changes.

Now, we can see the face with the eyes.
Step 6

In this part, we add the mouth to the smiley image, where we can take the circle and make it in a small size. Now, click once again in the circle and it will show the semicircle, half and full at the top of the menu bar.

Now, we can resize the image by clicking the select transform and making it a  small size.

Finally, we can see the image in the inkscape and we have to save as the Svg image. Finally, see it in Internet Explorer.


We are able see the final smiley image in Internet Explorer.
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