Func<Task>: A Powerful Delegate for Asynchronous Operation C#

In C#, the declaration "event Func<Task>" represents a delegate type. Let's analyze the meaning of each component.

  • event: This is a C# keyword used to declare events within a class. Events enable communication between objects by allowing an object to notify other objects when a specific action occurs.
  • Func<Task>: This is a declaration of a delegate type. Delegates are function pointers that ensure type safety and can reference methods. Func is a generic delegate type provided by the .NET framework. It represents a method that can take zero or more input parameters and return a value of a specified type. In this case, Func<Task represents a method that takes no parameters and returns a Task object. In C#, Task is a type used for asynchronous operations.

Combining all the elements, "event Func<Task>" declares an event in a C# class that can be subscribed to by other classes. When this event is triggered, it will execute methods that match the signature of Func<Task>. In other words, it will execute methods that return a Task object asynchronously and do not require any parameters.

Below is a straightforward illustration demonstrating its practical application.

Step 1. Create one project in WPF like below.