Fetch User's User agent,IP address

To Fetch/Store/Show User's Mobile/System User Agent,IP address:

To show user's User Agent at run time:

Declare a variable of String type
Dim mob_UA as String

below i have call a method of Request that takes one parameter and i have specified HTTP_USER_AGENT in double qoute and that HTTP_USER_AGENT will automatically fetch/show name/details of user agent


To Show IP Address:

declare a variable of type String
Dim mob_IP as String

below i have call a same method ServerVariable and passed a new parameter/variable with name REMOTE_ADDR and that variable automatically fetch information about user IP address and it may be of mobile platform or it may be of PC's


and more oever there is many variables like REMOTE_ADDR and HTTP_USER_AGENT

so i  think this blog helps you.
and for further kindly let me know

Thanking you

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