Farewell Seattle...

I also got to establish a connection with the people responsible for VB at Redmond who promised that my voice will be heard; I like!

I'm sad to have to leave Seattle. It is a lovely city. Lost of rain, yeah you heard right, I love the rain. From where I come it rains approximately 5 days a year; while in Seattle it rains 300 days a year. It's not just that, everything seems to be so easy in Seattle, or for that matter, the whole of the United States. And the American people (not the American industry) are so setback, easygoing and relaxed. At one point, I thought I could get away with almost anything. That's a little different from the way it is back home; different culture I guess, but less forgiving, at least initially.

I'll be back soon for more techie data.


Bashar Lulu
MVP - Visual Basic
INETA Country Leader - Gulf

Read my blog: http://basharlulu.blogspot.com
My website: www.basharlulu.net
My developer framework: www.jclframework.net

Next Recommended Reading I'm in Seattle!!