Errors in the metadata manager

An error occurred when loading the Team System cube, from the file, '\\?\C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS10.MSSQLSERVER\OLAP\Data\Tfs_Analysis.0.db\Team System.1428.cub.xml'.
It seems that file is corrupted.
1. Disable Reporting for TFS.
 Open TFS ADmin Console-->AppTier-->Reporting, click Edit( the application will alert to stop the related jobs, click OK),--> uncheck "Use Reporting".

2. Try to delete Tfs_Analysis in SSMS. If failed, stop Analysis Service, and delete the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS10.MSSQLSERVER\OLAP\Data\Tfs_Analysis.0.db in Windows Explorer. Restart Analysis Service.
3.  Enable Reporting for TFS.
 Open TFS ADmin Console-->AppTier-->Reporting, click Edit( the application will alert to stop the related jobs, click OK),=> check "Use Reporting". The TFS Admin Console  will recreate the DB.

F11 Research & Development, LLC
F11Research & Development, LLC