Resolving The "Out Of Date Nintex Forms" Error In SharePoint Online

I have customized my SharePoint Online custom list add Form, using Nintex Forms for Office 365. It worked perfectly. Subsequently, I thought of adding some validations, using JavaScript code. Hence, I followed the steps given below.

Step 1

Click on Form Setting on Nintex Form designer screen.

Step 2

Under Custom JavaScript option, I simply wrote alert (‘Hello’).

Step 3

Subsequently, I published the form.

Step 4

Now, when I try to add a new item in my custom list,  it opens Nintex Form and I get the error given below.

Once I clicked on OK, the list form closed and default list view was displayed.

Hence, I thought that maybe my Nintex Form for Office 365 app was outdated. I searched how to update Nintex Forms for Office 365 app. I found so many links but I found that my Nintex Form is up to date.

Thus, it gave me trouble. I kept on searching. Finally, I found the solution. When I found the solution, I was really disappointed with Nintex Forms error message, as it is misleading.

The problem was with my JavaScript code and not with the app.

What did I do wrong? I wrote the wrong syntax.

  1. alert('Hello')   

Instead, write the code given below. 

  1. alert('Hello');   

The only mistake was I missed the semicolon (;) and I got this error message. I corrected the code and everything was fine and I got an alert message with “Hello”.

Thus, I thought of sharing this, because the error message is somehow misleading in finding the solution.

Thus, when you get the error like this, then do the checks given below.

  • If you have injected any kind of JavaScript code to Nintex Forms, then please make sure that the code has proper syntax. 
  • If you don’t have any JavaScript code, go for updating Nintex Forms for Office 365 app.
  • It saved my time to a phenomenal extent. I hope, this will save time for others also.
  • If you have any query regarding this or you need more information, please feel free to ask in the comment section.