Easiest Way to Draw an Image as Water/Oil paint Image


While analysis an image with Image Processing I get this easy logic to draw an image like a water paint i.e., a photo taken in by a digital camera will have very clear point and edges according to its pixel. So the main concept is to sharing the edges and point by sharing its neighbouring pixel to smooth edges and provide a brush touch.

Concept behind the approach

AS we know that an image pixel contains for value i.e., ARGB. The A value is the responsible for transparency of the pixel. So here the simple logic is that we create a copy of image with high transparency. And while getting the pixel lowest transparent image, it always shared with is
neighbouring pixel.

C# Code behind the approach

var bmp = new Bitmap(Bitmap.FromFile("../../originalImage.png")); //Actual clear image

var transparentbmp = new Bitmap(bmp.Width, bmp.Height); // To Hold transparent image

var waterPaintbmp = new Bitmap(bmp.Width, bmp.Height); // To hold water paint image


for (int row = 0; row < bmp.Width; row++) // Indicates row number


     for (int column = 0; column < bmp.Height; column++) // Indicate column number


          var color = bmp.GetPixel(row, column); // Get the pixel from each and every row and column

          transparentbmp.SetPixel(row, column, Color.FromArgb(10, color.R, color.G, color.B)); // Set A value as 10




transparentbmp.Save("../../Image.png", ImageFormat.Png); // Save the transparent image

bmp = new Bitmap(Bitmap.FromFile("../../Image.png")); // Load the transparent image

for (int row = 0; row < bmp.Width; row++) // Indicates row number


    for (int column = 0; column < bmp.Height; column++) // Indicate column number


        var color = bmp.GetPixel(row, column); // Get the pixel from each and every row and column

        waterPaintbmp.SetPixel(row, column, Color.FromArgb(255, color.R, color.G, color.B)); // Set A value as 255



waterPaintbmp.Save("../../WaterPaint.png", ImageFormat.Png); // Save the water paint image



Hence whenever we get the pixel of the high transparent it will share its neighbour pixel that provide you the brush touch. Also the value of the transparency will determine the patch and thickness of the brush.

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