DotNet developers most used application/tools launching through 'Run'


You would be aware about many run commands like "notepad", "excel", "mspaint" etc. for launching applications from Run window. This gives you a good approach to launch your required application.

You are working on some other application and required to launch another application, you just press 'Window' button with 'R' and get run window!!!

Run window.png

Here (in Run window) you give/enter some command word to launch/run your application.

Lets try with some .net Developer's most used command words.


Its open Microsoft visual studio IDE



Its open MS SQL Management Studio



It opens Source safe credential settings and then after VSS login screen.


And if your colleague is facing problem, you may like to get remote control, wouldn't you help your freind ? Yes, using


Remote desktop connection



IIS Server Manager gets launched.



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