Disable RJS Pop Calendar using Client-Side Script

Hi Folks,

If you have used RJS Pop Calendar in your project, you must have faced a problem of toggling (enable or disable) the pop calendar using client-side script like javascript. Here is a simple solution for the same.


  1. Include the below javascript in your page: 
    1. function ToggleCalender()  
    2. {     
    3.      var chkToggleCal = document.getElementById('<%= chkToggleCal.ClientID %>'); 
    4.      var spanCal = document.getElementById('<%= PopCalDate.ClientID %>' + '_Control');   
    5.      var imgCal = spanCal.getElementsByTagName("img");    
    7.      if (chkToggleCal.checked)   
    8.      {  
    9.             imgCal[0].src = "PopCalendar2005/Calendar.gif";  
    10.             spanCal.onclick = function ShowCal()   
    11.             {  
    12.                  __PopCalShowCalendar('<%= txtCal.ClientID %>'this);   
    13.             };  
    14.      }  
    15.      else  
    16.      {   
    17.             imgCal[0].src = "PopCalendar2005/DisableCalendar.gif";   
    18.             spanCal.onclick = function LockCal()  
    19.            {  
    21.            };    
    22.      }   
    23. }  
  2. Include the following lines of code in your Code-Behind page in your page_load event:
    1. if (!Page.IsPostBack)  
    2. {  
    3.       chkToggleCal.Attributes.Add("onclick""javascript:ToggleCalender();");  

To modify the above mentioned script, you need to know the following:

  • chkToggleCal: ASP.NET Control which will enable or disable pop calendar.

  • PopCalDate: Pop calendar control you want to enable or disable.

  • txtCal: ASP.NET Control mentioned in Control property of Pop Calendar.
Attached is a sample application to demonstrate the working of this script.

Now, you can toggle the state of pop calendar from client script. Feel free to provide your comments.